Chia seed
General Description
Chia seed (Salvia Hispanica) is an ancient crop of the Mayans and Aztecs cultivated in the tropical and sub-tropical valleys of Central and South America. It is a typically small oval seed loaded with natural health benefits in it. It is a rich source of omega 3, fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which together with its neutral flavor provides the perfect boost to any of your meals.
Health Benefits
Chia seed is the richest source of omega-3 (a range of 60% alpha-Linolenic acid ALA in its oil), with additional large content of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, minerals and proteins. Its Omega 3 is a natural antinflamatory, has a positive effect on brain structure, reduce systolic blood pressure in diabetic people, improve cardiovascular health among other health benefits chia seed provides.
Together with its neutral flavor can be added seamlessly to any of your meals. Chia seeds can be consumed directly and indirectly through feed for products like meat, eggs, milk or directly in dairy products, drinks, seed or snacks mix, cereal bars, bread and breakfast applications, homemade food preparations, salads, desserts, toppings, pet food, health supplements, among many others.
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Why are they good for us?
• Improve cardiovascular health – Lower blood pressure, Reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, Prevent cardiac arrhythmia and sudden death.
• Natural antinflamatory – Together with the high calcium levels, help to reduce joint pains
• Positive effect on brain structure – enhancing the ability of concentration and avoiding mental problems such as Alzheimer.
• Reduce systolic blood pressure in diabetic people.
• Help the immunological system, woman ́s pregnancy, fetus and child’s development.
• Improve digestion. Reduce blood sugar levels which inherently inhibit appetite. Both together make a perfect combination for healthy weight loss.
• Reduce glucose and insulin levels in diabetic patients and may lower risk of diabetes.
• Ensures the digestive tract handling cholesterol and moving food through the colon preventing colon cancer.
• Molecules that prevent oxidation of other molecules. – works againts the “free-radicals”
• Free radicals are cells that attack other healthy ones
• Prevent chronic disease such as cancer and heart problems
• Reduce the risk of having osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes.
• Help to reduce blood cholesterol levels.
• Maintain normal electrical activity in the heart
• Strength the bones and prevent against osteoporosis disease.
• Helps to prevent colon cancer
• Diminish and control migraine headaches.
The Rebirth of Chia
In pre-Columbian times, chia was one of the four basic foods of Central American civilizations (Aztecs and Mayans), along with corn, amaranth and beans.
The conquest repressed the native people, removed their traditions, and destroyed most of their agricultural production and commercialization system. Many crops held an important position in the pre-Columbian America diets which were eliminated because of their close association with religion and perhaps by their inability to be adapted to European climatic conditions. Therefore they were replaced by other foreign species with greater commercial viability.
In the early 90′, an initiative of a group of farmers brought back Chia seed rediscovering its interesting nutritional properties and letting us enjoy the extraordinary health benefits of Andes-Harvest’s chia seed.
Nutritional Properties
100 grs. of Chia seed are equivalent to:
Omega 3 v/s Omega 6
Omega 3 and Omega 6 are also called essential fatty acids as our body cannot produce them, so we have to eat them to have them present in our body. The agro-industrial revolution among other factors gave tools to produce extensive crops such as corn, sunflower and some others (rich in Omega-6 products) and they become more intense in the human diets.
The ratio between Omega-6 and Omega-3 has changed from 1:1 (in the Paleolithic) to 10:1 or even 20:1 at these days. The optimum ratio between Omega-6 and Omega-3 should be 5:1. We need to eat more omega 3 to balance the composition of these two essential fatty acids in our diet!
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C/Claveles 522 - Bo. Sirari - UV 58 Mz 42 Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Bolivia. Phone: +591 75020618
Av. Entre Ríos 736, 4400 Salta, Ciudad de Salta,
Salta, Argentina Phone: 54 9 387 766 6440